Jazz News (Feb. 2016)

Nominations are now open for the 2016 Parliamentary Jazz Awards, organised by the All Party Parliamentary Jazz Appreciation Group (APPJAG). Nominations are open for best Jazz Album, Jazz Vocalist, Jazz Instrumentalist, Jazz Ensemble together with best Venue and awards for media, education, newcomer and services to jazz. You can cast your votes on the Jazz UK website www.jazzuk.org.uk before the deadline, Thursday 18th February.
Pianist John Lake has a new album out, Wave of Translation, with an album launch at The Verdict in Brighton on Saturday 26th March. The follow up to the 2013 album Up on the Downs, the new album features guest saxophonist Phil Paton and vocalist Jackie Sampson. The album is available now from www.resident-music.com. The album launch will feature live performances by Jackie Sampson and saxophonist Alex Bondonno.
Vocalist Liane Carroll performs at Loughton on Saturday 12th March to help raise money for the National Jazz Archive. The venue is Loughton Methodist Church, 260 High Road, Loughton, Essex IG10 1RB, close to the Archive’s home in Loughton Library. The concert starts at 2.30pm and tickets cost £15. For details and to book tickets, visit www.nationaljazzarchive.org.uk/events, phone 020 8502 4701 or email events@nationaljazzarchive.org.uk.