May 2021 Issue Free to Download

Our May issue features a special programme for Emergence 2021, a four day event being held at Bexhill’s De La Warr Pavilion, 27th – 30th May.
It features interviews with many of the artists appearing at Emergence, including AhnansĂ© of Steam, Ill Considered and two interviews by artist Gina Southgate, with saxophonists Chelsea Carmichael and Jason Yarde. It also features an interview with Cockpit Theatre director Dave Wybrow and a Words…feature with Yadasofi’s Nadav Schneerson, with photos by Lisa Wormsley.
There is also an interview and photoshoot with musician Rosie Frater-Taylor by Pat Pascal who launches her new album in May.
You will also find Jazz News and our regular columns Jazz Essentials and Big Band Scene, plus reviews of live streams and upcoming album releases, plus listings for May as venues begin to open.
You can download this issue here: SJM May 2021