Mike Outram Interview

What are you working on at the moment?
“I’m working on my online guitar learning site: ElectricCampfire.com. We help aspiring guitarists to level up their playing with courses, live training and a helpful community. We have over 500 members and it’s really exciting to watch everyone’s progress & development. I’d have LOVED to have used something like this when I was figuring out how to play.”
Tell us about your approach to teaching.
“I just try to serve the student. Usually I’ll start by asking questions: ‘What do you want to do?’ ‘What are you struggling with?’ ‘How can I help?’, and then take it from there. I really enjoy playing the guitar, making music, & listening. I’ll tell you what I like about music all day long, so with teaching I want to find out what the student likes too, and then we can geek-out about it all. It’s basically a nerd alliance.”
How do you go about voicing chords?
“It depends on the music. That’s the fun thing about improvising – you have all these colours at your disposal. The voicing of chords is one way of creating an atmosphere, and there are many many ways to do it.”
What plans do you have for 2017?
“I’ll be working hard on making Electric Campfire even better for the members. I’m teaching also at the Royal Academy, Trinity, and Guildhall which is always fun. The students coming through are pretty amazing. You don’t have to worry about the future of music, let me tell you! Also, I’m looking forward to touring next year with the Julian Siegel Jazz Orchestra in March. Dave O’Higgins has organised a reunion of his ‘Biggish Band’ in Lincoln, and yesterday I recorded Gareth Lockrane’s big band album, too, so it’s looking like a year of big groups! I’ll be recording a couple of albums in Feb, and I’ll be playing some quartet gigs with one of my favourite guitarists: John Wheatcroft. So it’s Guitarmageddon!”
You can check out Mike’s guitar lessons site here:
[there’s a FREE 14-day trial too]
And find out more about Mike here: http://MikeOutram.com
Mike Outram appears with Julian Nicholas at The Verdict on Friday 2nd December.
Photo: Victoria Harley