Live Review: Trees Ensemble

Terry Pack’s Trees Ensemble (Bonsai Version)
The Verdict, Brighton
Saturday 31st October, 2015
The Bonsai version of Trees performed at The Verdict on Saturday 31st October in a fundraiser for the House That Zac Built charity.
From Eddie Myer’s solo bass opening of Terry’s composition El Pueblo Unido until the final gospel like chords of his arrangement of Amazing Grace this was an evening of intriguing and inspiring music that left us wanting more.
As well as Terry’s own, Heart of Oak (not connected with the Naval anthem), Scarborough Fair, The Holywell and those mentioned above, the evening included compositions and arrangements by other members of Trees. David Beebee’s Fela and Andy Pickett’s development of Miles’ So What solo had been performed previously. Hilary Burt’s Simeon is a welcome addition to the repertoire.
Soloing duties were, as usual, shared out among the members of the ensemble. Particularly memorable were the blistering stratospheric solos of the trumpet section and Philippe Guyard’s reinvention of the tenor sax as a chordal instrument. Milo Fell did the work of three on percussion.
The audience was disappointingly small, barely outnumbering this Bonsai version of the band. I was about to say “cut down version” but this seems environmentally unfriendly in an arboreal context. Nevertheless £213.87 was raised for the very worthwhile charity, further details of which can be found on
Red Gray, Imogen Ryall and Annie Lightly (voices); Mike Guest and Hilary Burt (flutes); Charlotte Glasson, Kate Hogg, Philippe Guyard and Merlin Shepherd (reeds); Gabriel Garrick, Chris Coull, Jack Kendon and Steve Lawless (trumpets and flügelhorns); Paul Nieman and Tarik Mecci (trombones); David Beebee (keys); James Osler (guitar); Eddie Myer (bass); Milo Fell (drums); Terry Pack (director).
Patrick Billingham