Live Review: Geoff Achison @ The Hawth

Geoff Achison and the Soul Diggers
The Hawth, Crawley
Friday 17th March 2017
Australian Geoff has made a welcome return to these shores after a few years, with his usual mix of hard blues containing quite a sprinkling of the jazz influence. Many of his solos on guitar would not go amiss in a jazz gig, and Paul Johnson on keyboards (new to me) was quite a revelation. Andy Hodge was playing only his second gig with Geoff and fitted in with consummate ease. Sam Kelly on drums is versatile in many genres, and always a joy to watch and listen too. His sheer enthusiasm never flags and is complete with a quite endless range of facial expressions. A terrific two hours of blues, jazz, and simply, good entertainment. Welcome back Geoff.
Brian O’Connor
Photo of Geoff Achison by Brian O'Connor